Sunday, January 23, 2005

Started a new project last night!!!

Argh! I wasn't supposed to start anything new, but this pattern was calling to me and it is crocheted so it was a little more mindless than knitting. I'm striping another three colors of Berroco Softwist in a crochet pattern and I'm liking it so far. I don't have any pictures to post right now, but I'll post one when it's done.

On Thursday a package arrived for me while I was at work. When I got home what was here but my new wool winder! I found an online consignment store that was selling it for $10.00 with $6.00 s/h. I was floored. I emailed them to make sure it was really the full winder and when they emailed back that it was I immediately ordered it. I wound five hanks of yarn into balls yesterday and it was so easy. I can't believe I ever did it by hand although doing it by hand does offer its own feeling of satisfaction.

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