Thursday, March 02, 2006

What!?! A spinning wheel? Really???

Pretty soon a Babe's Production Double Treadle in white is going to be residing with us.

I'm pretty much in shock. Mike and I have wanted a spinning wheel for over a year now. I've read so many posts on Knitter's Review about the pros and cons of different wheels. We would love a Lendrum or a Fricke, but unfortunately that's just out of our price range right now. The Babe met all of our requirements: Affordable, double-treadle, comes with bobbins and a lazy kate, generally good reviews for being a wheel constructed with PVC pipes. I'm sure this will just be our first wheel, first wheel! Now, to make sure our actual spinning passion matches that of our wanting to spin passion.

Pictures as soon as it gets here!


Amy Boogie said...

Congrats on the wheel. I have one and I really liked it.

~Tonia~ said...

I saw your comment on Mindy's blog. I think I saw you at the Lambikin's sale. I believe you were there with the only men that were interested in the yarn and actually purchased some.? Normally the men hang out upstairs and read LOL. Did you get any good deals while there?

Happy Knitting,

Sharon said...

I am doing my homework on spinning wheels at the moment but as I live in Australia my choices are limited. So glad you found one and I am sure you will be happy with it, I will be back to see some spinning creations.